We are committed to our vision - a society in which we all are supported and valued. Read on to see our latest news and updates from across CatholicCare Sydney.
CatholicCare Sydney responds to a recent report regarding the health, wellbeing, and longevity of Australian principals and school leaders.
Our 2022 Annual Report reflects on another successful year at CatholicCare Sydney and shares the stories of our clients, volunteers, and employees.
Our Integritas Allied Health clinic has expanded to offer much-needed allied health services to meet community demand and is welcoming new clients.
Did you know that approximately 23% of Australians start their working day with a barista-made cup of coffee.
When the HOPE Program was established in 2019 it focused on providing vital support to at-risk young parents and has so far assisted 180 young mothers.
Australia has the highest proportion of poker machines per head of population in the world.
Answering the call to keep Australia beautiful, our Disability Services team led the way for the community to take part in Clean Up Australia.
Lent is a time to reflect on our blessings, all that we have and all that we hold dear, and in doing so to remember those who are in need or vulnerable.
World Interfaith Harmony Week is an opportunity for all interfaith groups to come together and show the world what a force for good they are.