Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

State of the Nation – Loneliness Report

The State of the Nation, according to the latest report released by the Federal Government, is one in which loneliness consumes far more of us than we imagine.

“The issue of loneliness sits in a broader discussion about whether Australia is a nation of me or a country of we,” said The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, and Assistant Minister for Employment.

“The question now is whether we're able to turn that around because being a nation of ‘me’ isn't the Australian way. So much of the Australian story lies in things we've achieved together.”

Dr Leigh suggests we all make more of an effort to ensure we live in connected communities, which is also a focus of CatholicCare Sydney with a strong portfolio of programs designed to strengthen families and connect communities.

From family and relationship counselling to support for those with addictions, volunteer and companion programs to Home Care and Disability Services, CatholicCare Sydney works to ensure the communities and families within the Archdiocese of Sydney feel supported, empowered, and connected.