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Creating childhood memories with family time

Creating childhood memories

Put family time back on the agenda with these ideas for entertaining the kids from toddlers through to teenagers.

It can be easy to let time get away from you when you’re busy with work, chores and everything in between. But it’s important not to let the meaningful things slide like spending quality time with your family.

Creating happy memories for your children as they’re growing up is something that will stay with them into adulthood. No matter how busy everyone is, it’s essential for every member of your household to feel important, included and loved.

We’ve put together a list of suggestions for how you can reclaim some dedicated family time, from toddlers to teenagers. See which ones work best for you and your family.

  • Play outside - take the family to the park or beach and play simple ball games - it’s good exercise and allows kids to practice new skills.
  • Go to the local park - slides, swings, climbing apparatus; letting your toddler loose in the local park is excellent exercise - for you and your little one.
  • Car journeys - non-driving parents can play games such as ‘I Spy’ or have sing-alongs to their favourite songs in the car.

  • Board games - simple card games, snakes and ladders or dominoes - these games teach children the importance of playing fair.
  • Astronomy - go outside on a clear night, look at the moon and stars, and learn the constellations together.
  • Individual activities - if you have more than one child, set aside some time every week for an activity with each of them. It could be a trip to the cinema, baking a cake together or, better still, let them choose their own favourite activity.

  • Reduce screen time - this article from the ABC reports that we spend eight times more hours per week looking at screens than with loved ones. To combat this behaviour in teens, try setting some time aside when the whole family has to turn off their device, perhaps at meal-times and at least a couple of hours at the weekend.
  • Set routines to reduce arguments - once you have teenagers in the house, it can be difficult to organise around schedules. Making sure that the whole family has the same time set aside in their diaries for family time to reduce the fuss of getting everyone together.
  • Family dinners - cooking, sharing and eating food can really bring a family together, if only for an hour or so. It gives everyone a chance to talk about what has been going on in their lives.

Taking the time to connect with your family is helpful for everyone; it strengthens bonds, creates happy memories and encourages everyone to feel loved and supported. 

Visit our parenting HUB Parenting HUB  | For more tips and practical advice on building positive relationships with your child.

The resources in our Parenting HUB are put together by our family specialists who work with families across Sydney every day.  If you would like to know more about this topic, please fill in our 'Contact Us' form and we'll get in touch.  You can also call our professional Parent Line NSW counsellors on 1300 1300 52 for individual advice.

Disclaimer: This article does not give professional advice.  The contents constitute general information of a summary nature of interest and relevance at the time of publication. You should not rely on the contents as professional advice but should seek, formal advice in particular matters relevant to your particular situation.

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