Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Talking Children in Out of Home Care - What do they need?

Sadly as many as 45,000 children in Australia are unable to live with their birth family. This statistic highlights the need for high-quality care and passionate foster carers. 

In this panel discussion, we talk to three experts about what children in Out of Home Care need and how foster care can transform their lives, as well as the lives of carers.

Joined by two of Family Spirit's Foster Care experts, Emma Healy and Renae Edwards, and foster carer, Dave Noble, this webinar provides inspiring and thought-provoking insights into the careful and thoughtful process of matching chidlren in need with high-quality foster carers and the ongoing support and training required to help ensure that children thrive in their new homes.

Family Spirit are seeking more carers like Dave – capable, adaptable, and willing to take on children who are most in need.

Dave is an advocate for the closely managed matching process that he went through at Family Spirit before being connected with Sam* and believes that it is an integral part of helping ensure the child and carer can establish an effective relationship. 

When we asked what a typical family weekend looked like for them before COVID, he mentioned spending lots of time outdoors including with the Scouts, as well as diving and driving their boat on the Harbour, if the weather is good! Dave also talked about the importance of building a good relationship with the child’s birth family, because that’s in the best interest of the child.

Our work wouldn't be possible without public support. There are three ways you can support the work of CatholicCare today; by giving a gift or donation, referring us to others in your network or by sharing our work with your community.

If you'd like to find out more about becoming a foster carer, contact Family Spirit or register for an upcoming online information session.