Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Talking Communities - building resilience

It goes without saying, 2021 has been a challenging year for our community.  This is especially so for groups including, already vulnerable individuals, school students, and essential workers.

In this short 30-minute lunchtime session our panel of experts discussed how the pandemic has impacted on these different groups and how three key programs are assisting to build resilience in the community, school, and workplace.

Working in LGAs of concern throughout Sydney's lockdowns, Juliette shares insight into the impact COVID has had on these communities.

"The Fairfield and Liverpool area does have a high number of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and often they are also disadvantaged. They have multi-layered barriers such as language barriers coupled with poor digital literacy and financial stress" Juliette Kirkword, Community Care Worker, CatholicCare Sydney.

The impact isn't, however, limited to those in disadvantaged communities. Marcela Slepica from AccessEAP, shared the main concerns that have been reported in teachers and frontline workers.

"Due to the pandemic and lockdowns there has been a lot of change, especially for teachers. This has led to heightened anxiety in these workers" Marcela Slepica, Director Clinical Services, AccessEAP.

Much like teachers, the students in our community have experienced significant changes in their routines. With more than18 years of experience working with children in schools, Suzanne McKinley shared advice parents of children returning to face-to-face learning.

"Focus on the positives; you'll get to see your friends, your teachers and do sport. Whatever your child is engaged in, focus on that" Suzanne McKinley, Practice Manager School Counselling Program, CatholicCare Sydney.

Watch the recording below to find out more about these challenges and learn practical advice on how to support your family, colleagues and friends.

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