Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Regular giving gives so much more

We can all agree that the most vulnerable people in our community are children, especially those experiencing disadvantage or who are in crisis.

CatholicCare’s regular giving program raises vital funds specifically for children, to ensure every child in our society has the opportunity to thrive and live their lives to the full.

Asian mum and baby

At CatholicCare, we see children at their most vulnerable. There are those that need extra help due to a disability and others who are in a state of crisis due to domestic violence or a family breakdown.

These traumatic environments can have a severe and lasting impact on a child’s development, as well as mental and physical health well into adulthood. This is why it is vital these children receive the right support in times of need.

Regular monthly donations help us confidently plan ahead to ensure more children are able receive our specialist support.

You can make a real difference to the lives of children in need, just like Margaret, by providing ongoing support through a regular gift to CatholicCare.

“I learnt about CatholicCare through my volunteer work as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion where I take the Holy Communion to Catholics in hospital on Sunday mornings.”

I give to CatholicCare because I think it’s a very worthwhile organisation that looks after families and individuals of all ages.”

I became a regular giver because I know it’s easier for an organisation to plan and budget when they have regular donors.” Margaret, Carlton NSW

Become a regular giver to support vulnerable children in need.