Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

Community Forum encourages much needed conversations

Celebrating inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging … for everyone

Held on 25 May 2022 at the Seminary of the Good Shepherd, Homebush and during National Palliative Care Week, the Living Well Dying Well Community Forum has already started much-needed conversations about death and dying in our community. 

Guests who joined the event either in person or via livestream, were able to hear from an esteemed group of panellists and also had the opportunity to reflect on and share their own personal experiences with the group.

Drawing on a wealth of knowledge and expertise, panellists discussed many aspects of Living Well Dying Well including:

Speaking passionately about these topics, the guest speakers; Patricia Thomas - Grief Care, Megan Best - Associate Professor of Bioethics (who joined remotely) and Maria Cigolini - Senior Palliative Medicine Physician and Associate Professor Medicine encouraged us all to play our role as a community in supporting those with a serious and life-limiting illness, and discussed the importance of normalising healthy conversations about death and dying.

“Each panellist tonight has given me something to reflect upon and reminds me of my own woundedness in this mystery of building a relationship with another who is suffering.” Maggie, Community Forum attendee

A recording of the forum has been included below. If you know someone who may benefit from this information, please share this page or direct them to for more information.