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The natural way - The drug-free fertility option

The natural way

A study by Monash University found that amongst the 84% of women in Australia who use a form of contraception, one in seven choose to use natural family planning methods.

There has been a steady rise in the number of women opting to use a natural method, and whilst religion or cultural background can play a part it is also now preferred by women resisting hormonal methods or putting synthetic products into their body. The ‘natural’ method sits well with a generation of more organic, sustainability-focussed women and those who do not want to deal with the side effects of the pill and contraceptive implants.

“I’ve been worried about things, the uncertainty of messing with my hormones and my cycle, I don’t know about the long-term effects so I’d like to keep my contraception options as natural as possible. I don’t want to make conception more difficult when I am ready to have children.”

CatholicCare Sydney’s Natural Fertility Services program provides instruction in the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning, teaching individuals and couples to understand their natural fertility signs and symptoms during any stage of their reproductive life. This method is effective in planning or preventing pregnancy and involves monitoring cervical fluid and basal body temperature. It is easy to learn, drug and device free, a healthy choice, and inexpensive. 

The natural method is safe and surprisingly easy to learn. It is 99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly and is personalised for each woman and relies on adhering to your cycle and monitoring your fertility symptoms. There are no negative health implications for either party and it does not interfere with the body’s natural processes. In comparison, oral contraceptives (the pill) are 99.7% effective but can come with side effects including impact on mood, libido, nausea, and headaches. Oral contraceptives are not suitable for all women,
particularly those with a history of depression, liver problems, or issues with blood clotting. Cathy Wood, NFP Educator at CatholicCare Sydney, helps couples to learn about their bodies and to better understand the combined fertility of both partners,

“When I get to assist couples who have experienced infertility for some time and then a viable pregnancy occurs within months; it makes my heart sing! By the time they do find NFS they are consumed with anxiety and anguish especially if there are no physiological concerns. We work together with the couple to ensure the method is learned properly so they can maximise their chances of achieving a pregnancy.”

Our Australian Council of Natural Family Planning (ACNFP) Accredited Clinicians are there with you, providing options for managing your fertility and achieving your goals. 

“After a year of trying to conceive and then 6 months of extensive fertility testing, my husband and I were diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” and referred to an IVF doctor. We knew that IVF wasn’t the path for us and instead decided to wait on God’s timing. Shortly after this, I received an email from CatholicCare following up on our premarriage session. The CatholicCare clinician was gentle, informative, and helpful. In my third month of charting, we conceived naturally. We are now expecting our first baby in early 2024. We will be forever grateful to CatholicCare.”

Natural fertility, or family planning, is taught face to face in three locations – Lewisham, Liverpool, and in the city or via Zoom.

Contact for more information.
