Helping the Sydney community with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, pastoral services and mental wellbeing.

LENT - A time to Pray, Fast & Give

LENT - A time to Pray, Fast & Give

Lent is an important period of reflection, growth, and new beginnings, a time to show our devotion to faith, to draw closer to God, and prepare for Easter.

Three elements of the Lent period are recognised - prayer, fasting, and giving.

Is your opportunity to speak to God and grow closer, knowing God is by your side.  

Is to overcome temptation and consider cutting back on certain foods and/or luxuries.

Means to help those in need. Enabling people in vulnerable situations to overcome the challenges they face.

A simple prayer for Lent reminds us of the strength faith can give us, "God may your light guide my day, and your spirit bring me peace,"

When you fast please remember those in our community who often go without - parents skipping meals so the children can eat, students missing school excursions because the budget can’t stretch that far, and those learning that chocolate, canteen lunches, and new books to read are an out-of-reach luxury.

This year for Lent we ask you to focus on 'giving', the act of charity to others.

Your support will enable us to be there for those who are experiencing issues with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, and mental wellbeing.

We ask that this Lenten period, you give up a small donation that will go towards helping the children, young people, adults, and families in need across Sydney.
